Jan 25, 2025 Last Updated 2:08 AM, Jun 8, 2024

Producers & Distributors of High Quality Australian Film and Television

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Roger Milliss - The beginning of his ASIO file

Category: ASIO Files


This is page three of volume one of Roger Milliss' file.  ASIO are in the process of identifying him and mapping out his connections.






The document below is a report from an agent inside New Theatre giving a character description of Roger Milliss, his brother David and David's wife Betty.    Although the reproduction is not great, at the bottom of the page the descritpion of Roger Milliss is quite extraordinary.  This was very likely written by the penny dreadful detective writer "Carter Brown" who had joined New Theatre for a period and then suddenly left.  Many personal descriptions in the files of Persons Of Interest written by agents are often crude, insulting and often inaccurate.  As Roger Millis said when he read this, "Ouch, ouch, ouch..."




Every scrap of infoprmation was used to build up a picture of the network a person of interest may be involved in.  Here somone has handed in Roger Milliss' telephone book and ASIO has recorded all the names mentioned in it.




