Oct 22, 2024 Last Updated 2:08 AM, Jun 8, 2024

Producers & Distributors of High Quality Australian Film and Television

We've got quality not quantity. We break the ice for others to follow.

On this site you will find details of our past film production, direct sales info, 

who we are, what we've got in development plus bits about our heros.

Waterside Workers delegation to Canberra 1950s length 8'29"

Category: ASIO Surveillance Films

This is an undated roll of ASIO surveillance film of a group from the Waterside Workers travel to Canberra. Not sure of the purpose.  Union boss and Communist Party of Australia member Jim Healey can be seen in a number of shots.  Note the attempts at atmosphere on the part of the cameraman, statues, destination boards and DC3 aircraft.  However overall technical quality is not great.  Given the proximity of the camera and the acceptance by the subjects it casn only be either one of the comrades shooting the film and it making it's way into ASIO hands or it's someone pretending to be a newsreel cameraman.